Holidays always present their own unique challenges and that’s particularly true for caregivers. So, how do you make sure the holidays are still good?
Surprising Facts About Being a Part-Time Caregiver
Part-time caregiving is a broad field, including situations like looking after a family member for a few hours each day or even just dropping in a few days per week. But, however part-time caregiving looks for you, the role is a surprisingly challenging one.
Being an Imperfect Caregiver: The Reality of a Caregiving Role
To those on the outside, caregiving can sometimes seem simple. Yet, the role brings more challenges than most realize. Being able to care for yourself and realize your own limitations are critical skills.
Understanding and Accepting Reality with Alzheimer’s Patients
One of the biggest challenges when caring for an Alzheimer’s patient, or a family member with another form of dementia, is the differences between their reality and your own. For many caregivers, it can be tempting to simply correct the patient, telling them that they are wrong. But, there are other ways to approach the situation.
Surviving the Challenges of Caregiving
Regardless of who you are caring for and why, caregiving comes with a unique set of challenges. In this post, I take a look at where to find support and ways of simply surviving.
Medicare Continues To Fail Older Women
On average, women tend to live longer than men and often earn less over the course of their lifetimes. These factors create significant challenges for older women, many of whom will outlive their partners. Yet, Medicare is extremely limited in how it cares for this group, resulting in considerable challenges for many women.