Finding a balance between helping and enabling is critical for caregiving, but it’s an area that is often overlooked until it is too late. This post takes a close look at the differences between the two approaches, along with times when stepping back is appropriate.
A Guide to Affordable Housing; Solutions for Seniors
This guide offers a comprehensive source of direction and information for finding good affordable housing solutions for seniors.
Why We Can’t Retire – Hasan’s Patriot Act Take on Retirement
Retirement isn’t just an issue for seniors. The challenge impacts every generation, including current caregivers who may not have enough for their own retirement.
Sex After 50 – The Beginning of an Exciting New Journey
Frank discussions on aging and sex are far too rare. Health problems and/or unsatisfactory sexual performance can leave men feeling like they have lost their virility, while partners may feel frustrated. The exact age that these issues arise varies depending on the couple and some people experience more problems than others. So today, we’re focusing […]
Paying for Assistive Aids that Help Seniors
One of the biggest challenges with tools to help seniors is finding ways to pay for them. This post highlights a variety of options, along with what you can expect.
What to Expect When Aging Parents Move In With You
While having an aging parent moving in can be an important decision, it is a move that comes with challenges too. This post highlights what you can expect and ways to ensure the best outcomes.