Getting enough sleep is important at any age. This post highlights one interesting tool that can help seniors achieve that goal.
How to Increase Energy Levels in Men as they Age
It’s no secret that energy often decreases as people age. Getting up in the morning gets more difficult and you get tired faster at the end of the day. While some energy loss is due to age, there are also ways to increase energy levels in men as they age. In fact, seniors can stay […]
Muscle Pain in Seniors – Causes and Solutions
Updated April 1, 2021 Health can often be confusing, especially as people age. There are so many signs and symptoms that emerge without any clear cause. Muscle pain in seniors is one such problem. It often isn’t clear whether the issue arises as the natural result of aging, due to a health condition or some […]
Como Ser un Cuidador Remunerado – Kapok Guia
Translated by Lola OrtizRead the guide in English here Esta usted buscando una carrera como cuidador o un trabajo de media jornada en el mercado laboral de la tercera edad? Esto es lo que usted necesita saber. Esta guía ofrece una perspectiva general de los requisitos estatales de los sectores afines: la formación necesaria, donde buscar […]
Caregiver Resentment and Anger – The Dark Side of Caregiving
Resentment and anger aren’t desirable emotions, but they often arise during caregiving. This post looks at where the emotions come from and what you can do.
Problem Gambling in Seniors – A Growing Concern
Gambling isn’t just a young person’s passion. It’s a behavior that can occur throughout life, one that often has devastating impacts. Problem gambling in seniors is an under-recognized part of this pattern. A surprising number of seniors put everything on the line with gambling, often dipping into their retirement savings along the way. The Statistics […]