Exercise is important for all age groups, including seniors. Seated exercises can be one solution that helps keep seniors fit without putting them at risk.
A‘Tsunami’ of Alzheimer’s Cases Among Latinos – A Kaiser Health News Article
Caring for Alzheimer’s patients can be an extremely draining role, especially for caregivers, who are emotionally invested in the people that they are supporting. As Kaiser Health News reports, this issue is becoming even more significant as the number of Alzheimer’s cases increase among Latinos.
Why I Reported My Elderly Father to the DMV
Driving might be a key source of independence but it also puts some people at risk. As caregivers, sometimes we have to make hard decisions about the people we love, including decisions about driving. This was a challenge that my family and I found out about first hand.
Choosing the Best Space Heater to Keep Your Family Warm
With the cold setting in for winter, many of us face an ongoing struggle in trying to minimize the amount of energy that we use, while also staying warm.
Rethinking Working in Your Golden Years
Traditionally, people tend to view their golden years as a time to slow down and to relax. For many people, this is the time where they are retired and it can be a chance to pick up new hobbies, to socialize and to simply enjoy life. Yet, this type of lifestyle isn’t for everyone.
The Cycle of Life and Our Prejudice: A Call to Action to Be Part of the Solution
“Elder abuse is a violation of human rights and a significant cause of illness, injury, loss of productivity, isolation and despair.”