Without a doubt, losing a loved one is difficult regardless of who you are or what your situation is. But, for caregivers, grief can often be complicated and caregivers often find themselves facing some emotions that they simply did not expect.
How to Help Seniors to Lose Weight with Diabetes
Weight loss is often difficult, but it isn’t impossible. This video highlights ways that caregivers can help seniors to lose weight with diabetes and shows that even among seniors with many challenges, weight loss can be possible.
How We Underestimate Elders’ Strength and Resilience
Protecting out elderly parents is an important goal, but in many cases, our approaches for doing so might not be the most effective. In fact, we often need to step back and seriously consider what our parents can and cannot do.
The Relationship Between Diabetes and Fall Prevention
Protecting seniors from falls is an important task, but one that can sometimes seem overwhelming. This video focuses on some of the underlying reasons behind falls in seniors and the connection between diabetes and fall prevention.
What AARP’s New CARE Laws Mean for You
AARP has released a new set of care laws that change the way caregiving is treated after a patient leaves the hospital. These laws help to support caregivers and may be particularly relevant for people who care for seniors.
The Importance of Acceptance as a Caregiver
Providing care for a loved one is such a complicated situation, especially because of all the emotions involved. But, one word that people often don’t think about is acceptance and this is actually very relevant for caregiving.