As a caregiver, learning how to help with the challenges of diabetes can be important
An Introduction to Aging at Home
This video highlights ways to make aging at home easier and safer for seniors.
El jardín del recuerdo
Read the post in English here Hace algunos años, cuando visitaba a mi suegra Doña María, a veces la encontraba trabajando en su jardín, lo que me extrañaba mucho porque era una persona ya mayor y con algunas dolencias propias de la edad. Verla con el rastrillo o la pala en la mano se me […]
The Garden of Memories
In this post, Marisela P. Herrera, a retiree from San Diego, CA, shares about her garden, the inspiration behind it, and the joy and benefits that it gives her.
Your Elderly Parents Have More Sex Than You Do: How to Handle It
Most people don’t think of seniors as having sex, yet, not only do seniors have sex, they often do so in an unsafe manner.
Intersections Between Poverty, Race, Transport, and Aging in Place
Finding ways to get around can be challenging at the best of times. In most cases, people get around by driving but this becomes less viable as an option as people age. Often, this can come as a shock because you don’t truly realize how much you rely on driving until it is no longer […]