当今世界正在发生日新月异的变化。全球文化与经济的转型使老年人关怀这一问题面临了一系列的挑战,尤其是对于移民家庭和少数民族家庭。 以下挑战将会得到阐述并提供相应的解决方案:语言,医生与文化间的矛盾,传统与现代疗法,有限的探亲时间,现代通信,家庭冲突,迁移,负罪感,社区化资源的需求以及财务和法律事宜的处理。
El Cuidado De Las Personas Mayores En Las Familias De Inmigrantes: 10 Retos Y Soluciones
Read the English post here El mundo está cambiando dramáticamente en todo tipo de formas. Los cambios globales en la cultura y economía han planteado una serie de desafíos respecto al cuidado de las personas de edad avanzada, especialmente en las familias de inmigrantes y de minorías étnicas. Los siguientes desafíos serán abordados, y se […]
Las Recompensas Y Cargas Del Cuidado De Familiares En Las Comunidades Hispanas
Read the post in English here La cultura hispana es bien conocida por su enfoque en los valores familiares, especialmente en el cuidado de los jóvenes y ancianos. Los miembros de las familias hispanas normalmente perciben la prestación de cuidados hacia sus parientes ancianos como un deber, y se sentirían avergonzados si no pudieran hacerse […]
Elderly Caregiving in India
Rakesh Sharma, 42, has been agonizing over his aging mother living by herself in Pune, India. Rakesh’ father passed away a few months ago and Rakesh wants her to come and stay with his family in the US, but she is stubborn and does not want to leave her comfortable roots to settle in a […]
Ethiopian Family Life and Caregiving
Traditional values in Ethiopia include care of the elderly by their younger family members. This is a common cultural tradition in much of Africa and the Middle East. Ethiopia’s elderly were regarded as valuable members of society – a pattern that does continue today. Yet, as with most cultures, patterns are changing. Previously, it was […]
The Rewards and Burdens of Hispanic Family Caregiving
Léalo en español Hispanic culture is well known for its focus on family values, especially care for the elderly and young. Hispanic family culture typically perceives caregiving for elderly relatives as a duty and would be ashamed to be unable to care for them. It’s not a burden, it’s a joy to incorporate the elderly into […]