Having your own interests and passions is always important – and is even more crucial for caregivers. And, let’s be clear, hobbies for caregivers are much more than just a way to pass the time. They’re an essential part of maintaining your own identity and broadening your world. Why does this matter? Because it’s incredibly […]
9 Tips for Providing Better Care to Elderly Parents
As our parents grow older, we often find ourselves becoming their caregivers. The protectors who once cared for us now rely on our support, so it’s important to start supporting them well. With an increasing number of older adults and persons with disabilities, families are stepping into new roles to ensure their loved ones are […]
Benefits of Compression Socks for Seniors
Aging brings a host of challenges, and one common issue that many seniors face is reduced leg strength and circulation. Fortunately, compression socks act as a simple and effective solution for many people. These specially designed garments have gained popularity among seniors and healthcare professionals alike for their ability to provide essential leg support. So, […]
Is Self-Care Selfish? Where Those Stories Come From And How To Counter Them
Self-care. The idea has become a buzzword and the most frequently given pieces of advice for caregivers. From one perspective, it’s solid advice. Of course it is. You can’t physically, mentally, or emotionally keep giving all the time. You need to refill your tanks. You need to rest. Yet, many caregivers struggle to actually support […]
Healthy Habits For Caregivers
Habits are small decisions and practices you follow regularly, often daily. They can be helpful or harmful and get to the point of being automatic – something you don’t even think about. As a result, habits can be a powerful way to make large changes. Accumulating positive habits and decreasing negative ones can have surprisingly […]
How To Help Seniors Wear Incontinence Pads
Incontinence can be a frustrating and embarrassing issue for seniors – one that can significantly impact their daily lives and overall well-being. These issues become more common as age-related changes affect muscle tone, bladder capacity, and control. The emotional and psychological toll of leakage problems can lead to reduced social engagement, embarrassment, and even isolation. Incontinence […]