A medida que envejecemos, es muy importante honrar los alimentos y sabores que tanto significado tienen en nuestra historia manteniéndolos en nuestra dieta. Después de todo, los platos típicos de nuestra cultura son parte de nuestras raíces y nos conectan a nuestros recuerdos. Pero para las personas mayores, tener que seguir una alimentación restrictiva por […]
Essential Skin Care Tips for Bedridden Seniors
While many seniors are active and engaged in life, others are completely or at least partly bedridden. Being bedridden presents its own collection of unique challenges for keeping the senior clean, comfortable, and engaged. What’s more, seniors who are bedridden will often have a limited ability to move around much. This may mean they need […]
How to Set Boundaries with a Narcissistic Parent
We’ve talked about boundaries multiple times at Kapok. They’re a valuable part of any healthy relationship and are particularly critical for caregiving. Not having good boundaries often means you do far too much for your aging parent and risk burning out in the process. But, what if you’re dealing with someone who is incredibly self-centered, […]
The Unique Challenges of Living with Aging Parents
Living with your aging parents… need I say more? Many of us imagined that we were done being in the same house as our parents when we first moved out on our own – and certainly when we purchased our first house. Yet, here we are again, living with them. In an earlier post, we […]
It’s Time To Talk About Caregiver Abuse
When it comes to caregiving and abuse, most of the discussion focuses on elder abuse and rightfully so. Seniors are, after all, a vulnerable population. They are often the subject of abuse and the target of scams. And yet, caregiver abuse is also a critical topic. By this we mean times where the caregiver is the […]
The Best Fall Detection Watch For Seniors
Falls are a serious issue for seniors. Not only do people become more likely to fall as they age, but the injuries that come from falls also become greater. What’s more, even falls that do not cause significant physical injuries sometimes have strong impacts on a senior’s independence by making them less confident and mobile. […]