Caregiving is rarely distributed evenly. Sometimes everyone pitches in, but often one child does the lion’s share of the caregiving, while others do little or nothing at all. It’s frustrating and overwhelming, especially if you’re burning out trying to support your parents. So, how do you change the dynamic? How do you get your siblings […]
Incontinence Questions and Answers for Caregivers
Incontinence is tricky in two ways. First, there’s the practical side of it, which, let’s be honest, really really sucks. There’s little worse than having to clean up urine and feces, except having to do so for someone else. Then there’s the social aspect. Our bodies are weird and frustrating in many ways, particularly as […]
Technology that Helps with Memory Care
As the global population rises and life expectancy increases, there is also a rise in cognitive impairment and dementia, burdening families and healthcare systems. But thanks to technological advancements, technological devices are improving the functioning, tracking, and mobility of dementia patients allowing their families to help them age in place. As gerontechnology continues to develop […]
Caregiving and Faith – Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?
Caregivers often hear the same phrases time again. From Christian friends, this might include the well meaning ‘I’ll pray for you’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’, while non-Christian friends might turn to ‘think positive’ or something to that effect. Such phrases are incredibly frustrating in the middle of caregiving. Most of the time, you […]
How to Change Your Mindset with the New Year
The new year is often a time for reflection and resolutions. It’s a chance to look back on all that’s been and think about what comes next. Doing this as a caregiver can get a bit overwhelming though. If you’ve been fully immersed in this role for a while, it might feel like life is […]
Caregivers Book Corner: The Third Space by Adam Fraser
I find myself spending a lot of time with self help books (although, admittedly, I listened to this one as an audiobook on Audible). That’s partly because I’m always looking to improve. Mostly though, I’m curious. I love seeing what ideas there are out there and which ones actually make sense. Ideally, I want to […]