Tablets aren’t just devices for the younger generation. Seniors can also enjoy them, and they offer important stress relief and cognitive exercise.
10 Tips To Promote DIY Safety For Seniors
Aging brings its fair share of challenges, but this doesn’t mean seniors need to stop completely. You can still engage in many of your favorite activities, including DIY projects. In fact, keeping to the things you love can make retirement much easier and much more enjoyable. Doing so can even help with your sense of […]
How Assistive Products Offer Seniors Dignity and Independence
Aging is often a frustrating series of losses. Some of the regular tasks of life, like getting dressed, remembering medication, bending down, and opening products become a little more difficult. The changes are often small initially, so many people will downplay or ignore them entirely. Makes sense, right? The decrease in ability can make seniors […]
Supporting Disabled Seniors: Essential Tips for Family Caregivers
We all know that caregiving is complex. The role comes with a variety of tasks and challenges, many of which intersect with each other. One aspect is caring for a disabled senior. By disabled, we’re referring to seniors with a physical or mental condition that limits their ability to participate in some aspects of life. […]
The Power of Education for Seniors
College degrees, courses, and training programs are often targeted towards young adults and career-minded individuals. Yet, the benefits aren’t limited to these groups. Older students can gain much by spending time in the classroom, regardless of their stage of life or career prospects. As you’ll see, education offers many specific benefits for seniors, regardless of […]
The Practice and Dangers of Hiding Dementia Symptoms
Hiding dementia symptoms is a surprisingly common practice among seniors and it is a behavior that is actually associated with some pretty significant risks.