Your parents may have reached the point where they require financial assistance. You might be anxious that they will mismanage their assets or fall victim to elder financial abuse, causing their funds to be depleted. Having enough money is critical at this stage in your parents’ lives to guarantee that they are well cared for. […]
My Elderly Mother Expects Me To Support Her
What do you do when your elderly mother expects you to support her? Should you follow her requests or find a different path?
The Pros and Cons of a Nursing Home
Do you know nearly 1.4 million people across the United States live in nursing homes? This number will only increase in upcoming years. Parents are the biggest blessing on earth and they deserve the best possible care in the world. Every adult’s life gets to a time where certain essential questions must be asked: Are […]
Technology Tutoring for Seniors in 5 Easy Steps with Proven Strategies
I’ll never forget when an aunt bought a foot massager for my 105-year-old great grandmother. As soon as she dipped her feet in the water, heard the rumbling vibrations, and saw the LED lights come on, she almost fell out of her chair with fright. My aunt had the best intentions, but clearly this was […]
The Secret to Self-Care – One Powerful Trick That Caregivers Often Miss
Caregivers are told time and time again to take care of themselves, to meet their own needs, and not to push themselves too hard. Yet, self-care remains one of the hardest things for caregivers to do. There are many reasons for this, including difficulties in creating boundaries, caregiver guilt, and simply not having enough time. […]
How To Talk To Elderly Parents About Moving
Having the ‘moving’ conversation with an aging parent is fraught with difficulty. It can be an emotional topic, especially if everyone has strong and differing opinions about the best long-term solutions are. In this post, we’re taking a close look at how to talk to elderly parents about moving. To do so, we’ll be talking […]