Assisted living. To many seniors, this sounds like a terrifying idea. Most would much prefer to age in their own home. And yet, assisted living often isn’t as bad as it sounds. There are plenty of pros and cons of assisted living, which can strongly influence your experience. In fact, many people find that assisted […]
How To Deal With A Difficult Elderly Parent
Many caregivers face an uphill battle, as family members may resist support in key areas. Why does this happen and what can caregivers do to improve the situation. In this post, we introduce the challenges of stubborn parents and highlight various posts that offer direction and support.
Nutritious Soups for Elderly Family Members: Ideas and Recipes
Updated April 1, 2021 Soup is an excellent meal for elderly men and women, as it tends to be healthy, is full of nutrients, and can be prepared with fresh ingredients. Although soups are often seen as a winter choice, they can be enjoyed all year round. There are many nutritious soups for elderly people […]
Como un cuidador debe cuidar sus finanzas. Todo lo que usted necesita saber.
Las finanzas no son un tema agradable, pero son un tópico muy importante de discutir, especialmente para los cuidadores o cuidadoras de personas mayores. Cualquier persona que sea cuidador de personas mayores, necesita pensar sobre sus propias finanzas y la situación financiera del familiar al que cuida.
Where Will You Live When You Retire? Senior Housing Options and What They Mean
Where will you live when you retire? It’s a serious question and not one to be taken lightly. After all, there are many senior housing options For many people, the answer is simple – staying at home. Living in a familiar environment certainly has its advantages. You might not want to give up the home […]
6 Maneras De Garantizar La Independencia Financiera De Sus Padres
Translated by Lola OrtizRead the sister post in English here El tema de las finanzas es complicado para cualquiera, pero nuestros padres ancianos con frecuencia se enfrentan a desafíos únicos y muchas veces necesitan ayuda considerable. ¿Debe usted apoyarlos financieramente? En muchas culturas y familias la respuesta a esa pregunta es siempre SÍ. Usted debe apoyar […]