We’re often taught that decreasing fat and sugar intake is critical for losing weight. While those claims might be true, research also shows that there is more to the picture.
The Value of Minimalism at an Old Age
The process of minimalism isn’t just relevant for younger people. It can also be a powerful tool for seniors, helping them to gain a sense of control over their lives.
How to Make Your Own Weighted Blanket for Seniors, Depression or Anxiety.
Weighted blankets are often expensive to buy, yet they can have large impacts. To get around the problem of cost, this post highlights how you can make such a blanket yourself.
Healthy Eating for Seniors, The Value of Small Changes
Promoting healthy eating in seniors can be a surprisingly difficult task. Thankfully, there are some effective approaches.
The Challenges of Senior Spending Patterns and Poverty
While finances can be a challenge at any age, the problem is often particularly important for seniors. Seniors often live on a fixed income and may face significant expenses. There are also links between senior spending patterns and poverty. Take a look at the infographic below to see some of the current patterns – and […]
Washington Approves a Long-Term Care Program
Families and caregivers often look for solutions to long-term care challenges. This recent program in Washington may provide some hope.