The very nature of caregiving makes it stressful and can mean that you’re anxious. For some, this can result in anxiety symptoms. This is a key mental health challenge that needs attention.
Caregiver Depression – It Isn’t Always What You Think
We often have firm ideas about what depression should look like. While they’re often true, caregiver depression can take on different forms as well.
5 Calming Approaches for Caregivers – How You Can Find Some Peace
The techniques highlighted in this article are all ways that you can take a moment as a caregiver and rebalance yourself.
Grief During Caregiving: How To Cope and What to Expect
Grief can often be complex. Caregivers may often find the process particularly difficult, as grief is not just associated with death.
What to Expect with Caregiving and Finances
Finances are not the most enjoyable topic, yet this is such an important area to discuss, especially for caregivers. Anyone in a caregiving role needs to spend time thinking about their own finances and the financial situation of their family members.
Holistic Health and Caregiving: Lessons We Can Learn
While the term holistic health isn’t often applied to caregiving, some of the underlying concepts are highly relevant for improving health and wellbeing.