The need for caregiver support has never been clearer. While there has been some good news, there are still many challenges that face us now.
When Self-Care Isn’t Realistic or Isn’t Enough
One of the most common pieces of caregiving advice is self-care. We’ve written about it multiple times on this site too, including easy self-care tips and what self-care means in practice. The concept is truly critical. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from a jug that’s empty. If you don’t meet your own needs, […]
Sleep Medication Risks and Alternatives for Seniors
Medication is a common way to overcome sleeping problems. However, the risks are much more significant than most people realize, especially for seniors.
How Caregivers Can Help Seniors Sleep
Sleep quality can often decrease as people age. But, there are still many approaches caregivers can take to help ensure that senior family members are able to get a good night’s sleep.
Many Seniors Are Taking Too Many Medications
Medication is a regular component of life for many seniors, partly because they live with one or multiple chronic conditions. That medication may have many roles, like reducing pain, preventing deficiencies, reducing disease complications or treating a health condition. Yet, seniors are often taking far too many medications, some of which are completely unnecessary. The […]
Finding Good Songs for Older Adults
The effect of music on mood is well-known. Most of us can think of at least one song that makes us feel happy and brings back good memories. There might also be some that have the opposite effect. Music is even important for people with dementia, as it can reach a part of their brain […]