Many caregivers face challenges with stubborn aging parents and there can seem to be few solutions. With that in mind, what are the best ways forward and when should you be seeking help?
Powerful Solutions for Exercise in and Around the Home
Exercise is a powerful tool for promoting health, something that we need to be doing more of. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Instead, there are various options that work from the comfort of your own home.
Choosing the Best Pets for Seniors
To get the most advantages from a pet, choosing the right type is a critical first step. This post looks at the main options and the different advantages and disadvantages that they bring.
Benefits of Pets for Seniors – Health, Happiness, and Comfort
Owning a pet can be a simple solution to promote health and well-being in seniors. In fact, pets offer a range of different benefits, including companionship, lowering stress and even helping people to live longer.
Serious Senior Symptoms That Can Seem Minor
This post highlights key symptoms of health conditions that seniors may experience. Many of these aren’t obvious and are easily overlooked.
Key Medications That Often Send Seniors to The Hospital
In this post, we look at the key medication types that can put seniors in the hospital, along with things you can do to minimize risk.