Health expenses can often be significant and unexpected. This method of saving for these expenses can make everything easier.
Ways to Age Well
How To Make Shopping A Caregiver And Senior Outing
Caring for someone while also taking care of daily tasks, especially if accompanied by a person with cognitive or mobility issues, can be a cause of major caregiver stress and burnout. Learning good planning skills and effectively strategizing grocery or retail store shopping trips can reduce the odds of an exhausting event. Shopping for a […]
Frugal Living For The Savvy Caregiver
While frugal living might sound horrible, the idea doesn’t mean that you’re giving up everything that you love. Far from it. You don’t even need to watch every single penny that you spend and make sure that you always get the best deal for your money. Instead, true frugal living focuses on making wise financial […]
Managing Medications Well – Tips, Tools and Tricks to Make Everything Easier
Medications can play such a large role in health. But, they’re complicated – and often expensive. Honestly, managing medication well can feel like a bit of an art form some days. And, that’s only half of the equation. Many of us are taking supplements as well. That supplement might have been prescribed, or it might […]
Medisafe Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker App Review
As the name suggests, the Pill Reminder & Medication Tracker app from Medisafe is a medication management app. The app is designed to help you keep track of your medications. One of the main features is a daily calendar, which shows your daily medication schedule. There are also optional medication reminders that will send you […]
A Guide to Affordable Housing; Solutions for Seniors
This guide offers a comprehensive source of direction and information for finding good affordable housing solutions for seniors.