Through this site we attempt to provide accurate and relevant information about caregiving, particularly about the challenges that caregivers can face and potential solutions to those challenges.
While we make every attempt to be as accurate as possible, we cannot guarantee that all of the information provided will be 100% correct. There are many reasons for this, including the way that policies, approaches, prices and many other factors change over time, and from one state to the other.
If you have any questions about how any of the presented information applies to you and your situation you can contact us and together we may be able to help you figure the answers out.
Affiliate Disclaimer
With this site one of our key focuses is helping caregivers. Because of this, any products that we suggest or recommend are ones that we would use ourselves. We are not paid to do any reviews, nor would we accept payments for endorsing specific products.
Nevertheless, the site does make use of affiliate links from time to time. These links will tend to go to Amazon pages for the products in question. If you purchase through these links we will earn a small commission, which goes towards the cost of keeping this site live. There is no extra cost to you from using the affiliate link.