Food and Nutrition

Eating healthily is particularly important for seniors. Not only does appetite often decrease as people age, but seniors may also struggle to chew food and may have specific dietary requirements.

To complicate matters further, some seniors aren’t able or aren’t willing to cook healthy meals for themselves. This can quickly get overwhelming for adult children, who may be trying to feed themselves and their own family, plus worrying about an aging parent.

Thankfully, there are ways to make things easier, including meals that are healthy and easy to prepare, plus meal delivery services and techniques for reducing workload.

Recipe Roundups

Our roundups feature recipes from many food bloggers, based on themes like soft meals, freezer meals, and diabetic meals.

The featured recipes go far beyond the typical bland senior meal fare. Instead, they feature delicious flavors and wonderful textures, while still meeting the needs of seniors and their caregivers.  

Nutrition and Wellness

Our remaining food content focuses on topics that relate to nutrition, along with the balance between workload and results for caregivers.

After all, caregivers have limited time and energy, so most can’t cook amazing meals every night. We look at ways to cut down the workload, while still promoting health.

Protein Shakes

Protein shakes aren’t as powerful as a real meal, but they are incredibly convenient and are sometimes all you can get a senior to eat.

In our posts, we’ve talked about how to choose the healthiest protein shakes and ways to make your own at home. We’ve also weighed up the pros and cons of relying on these shakes.

Our Top Food Posts

We've written many articles about food, as it's so crucial for health and wellbeing. Below are our most popular and informative articles. Which are your favorites?