Caregiving always comes with challenges, but some aging parents are more difficult to deal with than others. Perhaps they’re stubborn, manipulative, self-absorbed, narcissistic, or even abusive. These posts show you how to manage them, without losing your mind in the process.
Why Do Older People Get Mean?
Have you ever asked yourself – why do older people get mean? There’s a surprising number of reasons for this behavior change.
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How To Have Difficult Conversations With Aging Parents
Talking to seniors can seem overwhelming, especially when they’re your parents. These strategies can all make life easier.
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How to Deal with Irrational Elderly Parents
Irrational elderly parents can be incredibly frustrating. So, how do you engage with them well – without compromising your own needs?
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Can I Refuse to Care for an Elderly Parent?
Caring for an elderly parent often feels like an obligation. But, is it really and can you refuse to provide care? Is doing so ever okay?
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The Best Responses When Aging Parents Expect Too Much
It’s never easy when aging parents expect too much. So, how can you support them without burning out yourself?
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What to Do When Your Elderly Mother Wants Constant Attention
It’s never fun when your elderly mother wants constant attention. Should you try to meet her wishes or is it time to pull back?
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7 Expert Tips for Setting Boundaries with Toxic Parents
Setting boundaries with toxic parents is essential and can also be incredibly difficult. In this post, we show you how to do so and reclaim your life.
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Responding To The Guilt of Moving Away from Elderly Parents
The guilt of moving away from elderly parents often keeps us in place. Thankfully, there are ways through this guilt.
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How To Set Healthy Boundaries for Caregivers
Setting good boundaries for caregivers doesn’t need to be difficult. Let us show you how to go about it and why you should.
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How To Be A Caregiver Without Losing Your Identity
Losing sight of yourself as an individual can happen in any relationship and is even more common when you’re caregiving. Here’s how to not only protect yourself, but also grow.
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My Elderly Mother Expects Me To Support Her
What do you do when your elderly mother expects you to support her? Should you follow her requests or find a different path?
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The Problem Of Parents Hiding Health Information and What You Can Do
Are your elderly parents hiding health information? The issue is surprisingly common and frustrating. So, what can you do?
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Guide to Caring for Stubborn Elderly Parents
Looking after an elderly parent can be so much harder when they are set in their ways. Thankfully, there are approaches that can make this task easier.
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How To Deal With A Difficult Elderly Parent
Many caregivers face an uphill battle, as family members may resist support in key areas. Why does this happen and what can caregivers do to improve the situation. In this post, we introduce the challenges of stubborn parents and highlight various posts that offer direction and support.
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Elderly Parents in Denial – What to Do When Your Loved One Refuses to Care for Themselves
Caregivers often face the problem of elderly parents in denial. So, how do you respond when they don’t want to meet their own health needs?
How to Care for Emotionally Immature Parents
Parents don’t always provide the emotional support that children need. So, how do you handle being a caregiver for emotionally immature parents?
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How to Deal with Manipulative Elderly Parents
Manipulative behavior can arise in seniors for many reasons and it is a critical area that caregivers need to address. Failing to do so can cause long-term stress. But, while the area is challenging, there are some approaches that can help.
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The Challenge of Stubborn Parents. When (and How) to Back Off.
Stubborn people are a challenge at the best of times. This becomes even more complex with stubborn aging parents, as there are many additional factors to consider. This post takes a look at cases where stubborn parents truly won’t back down.
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Stubborn Parents and Self-Care: A Caregivers Perspective
A key lesson that I learned as a caregiver is that things are often more challenging than they appear. That’s especially true when it comes to stubborn parents.
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When Should You Seek Help with Stubborn Aging Parents?
Many caregivers face challenges with stubborn aging parents and there can seem to be few solutions. With that in mind, what are the best ways forward and when should you be seeking help?
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