Family members who aren’t healthcare proxies can often feel powerless. So, how do you protect your loved one when your power is limited?
Advance Planning
The Hidden Costs of Dying at Home
Dying at home is the ideal for many people. Yet, doing so isn’t always the positive experience you might hope for.
Beyond the Basics: What You Need to Know About Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney is an essential part of advance care planning. It’s also more complex than you might imagine.
Advance Planning: The Scary Topic That Can Actually Empower You
Advance planning and advance care planning are crucial topics for end-of-life. But, what do the terms actually mean? How can you plan well?
Planning the Future with Dementia Diagnosis
Everyone loves to have control over their lives and be able to make decisions concerning their future. However, once a dementia diagnosis is given things will never be the same again. Planning the future with a dementia diagnosis means that those diagnosed will play crucial roles in making important decisions that pertain to personal, financial […]
How to Talk to a Senior About End-of-Life Concerns
End-of-life may seem like a scary topic but it is a critical one as well. Thankfully, there are various tools and tips that you can use to make conversations go better.