Whether you’re a part-time caregiver, a full-time one, or just providing regular support to a senior, you’ve probably wondered – how do I make money? After all, life isn’t cheap. It’s often hard to make ends meet as-is. Adding an aging parent into the mix makes things even more challenging. Even if they can pay […]
Caregiver Finances
How Do You Get Paid To Care For A Family Member?
Family caregiving is normally an unpaid role. You’re volunteering your time and energy to support a loved one. However, long-term unpaid caregiving is often impractical. The costs get too high too quickly. Your family member’s needs may also increase to the point that you can’t hold down a regular job. The most powerful solution is […]
How to Manage Your Finances as an Unpaid Adult Caregiver
Caregiving can be a very demanding role. It not only impacts your physical, mental, and emotional health, but it also takes a toll on your finances. According to a report, about 21.3% of Americans are caregivers, making this a crucial topic. Your finances are likely to be affected if you’re paying for the household expenses, […]