Having your own interests and passions is always important – and is even more crucial for caregivers. And, let’s be clear, hobbies for caregivers are much more than just a way to pass the time. They’re an essential part of maintaining your own identity and broadening your world. Why does this matter? Because it’s incredibly […]
Is Self-Care Selfish? Where Those Stories Come From And How To Counter Them
Self-care. The idea has become a buzzword and the most frequently given pieces of advice for caregivers. From one perspective, it’s solid advice. Of course it is. You can’t physically, mentally, or emotionally keep giving all the time. You need to refill your tanks. You need to rest. Yet, many caregivers struggle to actually support […]
Healthy Habits For Caregivers
Habits are small decisions and practices you follow regularly, often daily. They can be helpful or harmful and get to the point of being automatic – something you don’t even think about. As a result, habits can be a powerful way to make large changes. Accumulating positive habits and decreasing negative ones can have surprisingly […]
The Idea of Selfishness and What it Means for Caregivers
The idea of selfishness comes up often in discussions of caregiving. I most recently saw it in the reviews for two books on dementia – Where the Light Comes In and Neither Married nor Single. Both books generally get good reviews, but there are a few people who say the authors are being ‘selfish’. I […]
The Best Books on Caring for Aging Parents To Empower You
Regardless of what you’re going through in life or where you are, having people on your side helps more than almost anything else. This includes people who can encourage you and have your back and ideally at least one or two who have traveled the same road already and know how to do it well. […]
The Dangers of Caregiver Martyr Syndrome
Caregiver martyr syndrome means that caregivers aren’t just going above and beyond. They’re also burning themselves out, often when doing so isn’t necessary.