It seems to me that very little of what we suffer in life comes from the events that are actually occurring to us or around us. While it may sound strange to say, the events themselves are neither good nor bad in their own right. Instead, our views of events are based on our expectations […]
The Power (and Challenges) of Relaxation
While relaxing is a common idea, it’s not always as easy to do as it sounds. This post talks about the challenges with relaxation and how we can learn to relax more.
A Recent Study Questions the Link Between Caregiving and Health
The way that caregiving can compromise physical and mental health seems like a logical pattern. Yet, some studies suggest that the relationship is hyped and that the impacts aren’t as significant as is often assumed.
The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook Review
This book is an amazing choice for anyone who has ever been interested in self-compassion or just simply being kinder to themselves.
Self-Care and Self-Compassion – Two Powerful Caregiving Tools
Self-care and compassion are both very relevant for caregiving, especially when used in conjunction with each other.
How To Use Self-Compassion As A Tool For Caregiving
Self-compassion is a critical tool, one that easily overlooked. In this post, we’re looking at why self-compassion matters so much, especially for caregivers.