One of the better-known symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia is the tendency to wander, posing a serious risk of putting themselves in danger. People with dementia often forget crucial information about who they are and where they live. At home, preventing them from wandering is an added chore and stressor for millions of caregivers. For […]
The Best Vacations for Seniors with Limited Mobility
There is often a misconception that your life becomes dull and monotonous as you age. On the contrary, the itch to be a globe trekker only gets stronger with age, as you become eager to cross off items off your bucket list. You may be discouraged because of mobility issues or, as a caregiver, may […]
Ultimate Guide to Selecting a Memory Care Facility
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can be an emotionally challenging journey that requires immense strength, compassion, and support. As the condition progresses, there often comes a time when the demands of caregiving become overwhelming, and professional help is essential. This is where memory care facilities play a crucial role. Memory […]
13 Sabrosas Recetas para Personas Mayores con Diabetes de la Cocina Mejicana
A medida que envejecemos, es muy importante honrar los alimentos y sabores que tanto significado tienen en nuestra historia manteniéndolos en nuestra dieta. Después de todo, los platos típicos de nuestra cultura son parte de nuestras raíces y nos conectan a nuestros recuerdos. Pero para las personas mayores, tener que seguir una alimentación restrictiva por […]
It’s Time To Talk About Caregiver Abuse
When it comes to caregiving and abuse, most of the discussion focuses on elder abuse and rightfully so. Seniors are, after all, a vulnerable population. They are often the subject of abuse and the target of scams. And yet, caregiver abuse is also a critical topic. By this we mean times where the caregiver is the […]
10 Mayan and Mexican Medicinal Foods and Herbs
You’ve doubtless heard the phrase that food is medicine. That’s not just a nice thing to say – it’s also completely true. What we eat has dramatic impacts on our health, sometimes even reducing disease risk and helping us to live longer. These 10 Mayan and Mexican medicinal foods are particularly important. They are all […]